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Smart advertisers reach passionate audiences on Fixture Media. If your product or service helps people live a more sustainable, meaningful life, our audience won’t just become your customer—they’ll become a word-of-mouth machine.
Through our publishing sites we offer multiple advertising options. To inquire, please fill out the form below.
Display & Banner Ads
Display advertising is currently handled through Google and can be purchased through Adwords campaigns. We don’t currently offer direct buys but may consider more custom solutions for projects with $5k and more total budget.
Sponsored Content
We are able to do sponsored posts in a few formats. All content subject to our own editorial team review.
Rates start from $1250 per post and include boosted social posts so we can guarantee exposure to any size audience, not just our current followers and subscribers.
Affiliate Partnerships
If you sell an eCommerce product on your site with an active affiliate program, or through major retailers like Amazon, we are willing to run affiliate-based campaigns and content around products that are a good fit for our audience.
Crowdfunding Acceleration
We offer a discounted version of our sponsored content packages for Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and similar crowd-funding campaigns that our audience would be interested in. Rates start from $600 and include boosted social posts.
Contest Sponsorships
Sponsor our monthly contests with products from your brand. Reach out entire email audience and build your email audience at the same time.
Interested? Contact us for more information.